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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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All enhancement requests

Showing 548 of 548

Multiple email addresses for referral doctors

Users need to maintain multiple email addresses for referral doctors, hospitals with description (personal, work)
over 5 years ago in Referral Management 0 Future consideration

Be able to share or email manually entered lab results

We manually enter our cytology lab results. I would like to be able to email or share this results directly.
almost 3 years ago in Laboratory 0 Future consideration

Add Check out time visiblity to Patient Clipboard Check-In Tab

Dr. Bedi at Albion AH 385043 would like check out time within medical record. Only place currently found visible is Census report.
almost 3 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration

User configurable Whiteboard medical note template

User would like to be able to change the default medical note that is used when you choose to have a note saved to patient history on the whiteboard, adjust auto finalize settings
over 5 years ago in Whiteboard 0 Future consideration

Discontinue treatment order from Treatment window

On the Patient Treatment Window, ability to mark scheduled treatment as discontinued and option to discontinue remaining
over 5 years ago in Whiteboard 0 Future consideration

formulary integration

I would love to have the ability to have formulary integration that would allow for drug calculators, drug warnings, and client education sheets to send to clients when prescribing meds.
almost 3 years ago in Prescriptions 1

Display price field on all instances of Prescription label window

the price field in the Prescription Information - New window should be displayed in all instances of the window. Ex: PVL>RX label action or RX button
over 5 years ago in Prescriptions 0 Future consideration

Warn user if entering special characters on invoice item IDs or descriptions

Users request that a popup a warning and not allow known special characters to cause issues to be typed in description, ID ect� ex: /!@#$%^&*(
almost 6 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Reminder based on quantity sold

When creating reminders for inventory items it would be great if it could be based on quantity sold. For items where we can sell it as an individual pill we often set up our inventory to sell on a per pill basis to keep inventory happy but this ma...
almost 3 years ago in Reminders 0 Future consideration

Allow user to update client account financials during EOP processing

Users request ability to have eop close occur as a background process and allow for client transactions to continue without interuption
over 8 years ago in End of Period 0 Future consideration