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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 86 of 548
196 VOTE

Patient History report: include all attachments when printing or emailing

When sending patient records, users need all attachments to be included when printing or emailing the Patient History report.
over 5 years ago in Reporting 2 Planned
138 VOTE

Reports: Check-In Report Enhancements

User request changes to the patient check in report * Print all information same size; some options print too small, causing clinics to customize templates for check-in report. * Differentiate alerts on check-in report (color printing is not unive...
about 9 years ago in Appointments / Reporting 1 Future consideration
134 VOTE

Activity report by logged in user, workstation

Manager level users request a log of all cornerstone activity to have the ability to track which user was logged in to Cornerstone when activities occurred, to include: * User / Staff ID * Date/Time * workstation * activity (ex: added a client, up...
about 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports - Modify/create report to show Top service and inventory items sold

Create, modify report to show Top xx service and inventory items sold with filter, sort by item, class, staff.  (Currently, EOP report only lists classifications.)
about 7 years ago in Reporting 0 Planned

Reports: Client detailed invoice history report (new report)

Ability to create a report of all client invoices and payments during a date range - would be nice to be able to filter by date, client id, patient id (this would include all invoices patient had charges on- including pets whose id wasn't selected...
almost 6 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: Patient History Report enhancements

Users request updates and additional customizations to the Patient History Report: *configurable report header to include practice information at the top of the Patient History report (Practice information, logo) * configurable patient information...
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 1 Future consideration

Reports: Add Microchip ID to Check In report

Users need to have the microchip ID print on the Check In report as part of the patient information details
almost 6 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reporting general enhancements

General enhancements to improve reporting for users: * add client email address to report saved file formats that use client and/or patient information * add standard sort options as report data includes: ex: Client ID/name, Pt ID, name, Staff ID,...
over 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Return Unattended EOP report printing functionality

Would like for there to be the option to automatically print the reports for EOP
over 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

New Report: Completed callbacks

Patient report is requested for completed callbacks, notes and completion details that can be run by a date range, staff ID, item ID while technically available thru Patient History report, patients appear 1 patient per page and is ineffiecient
over 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration