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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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138 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Categories Appointments Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 14, 2015

Reports: Check-In Report Enhancements

User request changes to the patient check in report
* Print all information same size; some options print too small, causing clinics to customize templates for check-in report.
* Differentiate alerts on check-in report (color printing is not universal)
* Option to print boarding notes on check-in report
* Add patient's microchip ID to check-in report
* Option to print alert notes on check-in report.
* Option to include staff ID on check-in report.
* Option to add multiple phone numbers to the check-in report.
* Print client prompts and alerts on check-in report.
* Option to include/exclude client AR information
* Print patient prompts at the top of check-in report (does this if printing in date order, but not if printing by category)
* Add Client email to check-in report, print "declined" in email field when Client declines to provide email address.
* Print secondary name on check-in report.
* Ability to customize order, # of pages to print of check in report content
* Current appointment time, checked in by staff ID
* Option to include rDVM information, similar to that shown on the Patient Clipboard.
* Setting for default number of copies to print

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  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2024

    Also show on the check-in form if they are on a Petly plan and what plan they are on.


Customizable Check-In Reports - Change Layout

Is it possible to make check-in reports customizable? We have run into a few instances where patient prompts have been pushed to the bottom half of the check-in slip. We would find it useful to be able to alter the layout of the check-in reports s...
over 2 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration