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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 548 of 548

Prescriptions - Create a prescription queue

Would like an easy way in Cornerstone to track prescription refills requested by clients, for a doctor to start an Rx label, fill out the quantity, and instructions information, but then just save it for the technicians that will actually fill it....
over 5 years ago in Prescriptions 0 Future consideration

Transfer "blue line" notes from PVL to invoice

Users request a configuration that will allow them to transfer comments from PVL lines to invoice, into the Patient record or display in report.
about 7 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Patients: Allow user to enter backup microchip ID

Allow user to enter multiple microchip IDs, in the event that one fails. Allow for patient search by any microchip number (Sometimes, microchip will come back online after a failure, so they would like to be able to store the original, as well as ...
over 7 years ago in Clients and Patients 1 Planned

Boarding: Simplify Check-Ins / Check-Outs when different from reservation dates

Allow for easier check in/out when checking in/out for either daycare or overnight when dates/times are not same as reservation and recalculate fees accordingly
almost 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Boarding & Grooming / Appointment Scheduler Integration

Integrate boarding & grooming module with Appointment Scheduler so that users can see all information in a single location and simplify scheduling and check in workflows.
almost 9 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration

Document bookmark He/she populate based on patient gender

Users want the ability to use He/She bookmarks in Medical Notes and Correspondence. (he/she, his/her, him/her) and fill out based on patient gender.
over 5 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence 0 Future consideration

Resize bookmark signatures in documents and on tablets

Practices would like the signature bookmarks to populate smaller, able to change the size of the signature capture box when using tablets.
over 5 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence 0 Future consideration

Reports: All patients by lab assay result value (new report)

Ability to create or pull up a report that will list all the patients that had a test from all labs with a certain result. Ex: all HW positives, all fecals with hookworms or giardia, all SDMA results, etc.
over 7 years ago in Laboratory / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Allow user to search Client or Patient List by street address

Ability to search either the Client or Patient List by street address.
about 7 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Create Patient ID based on Client ID

Create Patient ID based on Client ID. EX: Client ID = 2003 Patient IDs would be 2003-1, 2003-2, 2003-3,
about 7 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration