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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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All enhancement requests

Showing 548 of 548

Restrict 'Staff' to only list Doctors for Lab, image Requests, Rabies

Users need the ability to limit staff drop downs to only display active doctors sotechnicians or generic staff cannot be selected for requests, certificates, prescribed by, reduce invoicing errors, inaccurate reporting due to incorrect staf...
over 8 years ago in Practice Settings 0 Future consideration

Appointment Scheduler: Separate break color default by practice vs staff

As a Cornerstone user, I need to have separate color default options associated with my practice break and staff break blocks to allow more flexibility to customize my scheduler according to my specific practice needs.
about 6 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration

Specify which patient history tab a document can display

Users want option to designate which patient history tabs to display a document template, such as a prescription document under the RX tab, or an incoming prescription request pdf
over 6 years ago in Patient Clipboard 0 Future consideration

Appointments: Add permission to prevent users from updating blocks

Add permission to prevent users from updating blocks and knowingly/unknowingly disrupt scheduling plans (separate from permission to update appointments).
over 7 years ago in User / Staff Settings 1 Future consideration

Receptionist Field on invoices not defaulted in but required

On the invoice, the receptionist field currently defaults in to the logged in userUsers want to have this field required, but empty, forcing the receptionist to enter their staff ID. This would also benefit practices that use general logins.
over 6 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Inventory: Add bottle number tracking capabilities

Users need a way to track inventory better by adding a bottle # function in addition to lot/exp tracking. Ex: receiving 2 bottles they would be 1 of 2, 2 of 2 or other user configured numerical sequence. This is another way controlled substances a...
over 3 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Patients: search by registration field

Users want to have the existing registration field to be searchable from Patient List and Client/Patient search in cases where a tag or microchip number is not present, but a tattoo number is (registration number often used as a tattoo number fiel...
almost 5 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

General Ledger: increase character limit for GL account fields

Users want to have the character limit on General Ledger fields in CS increased to better accommodate longer invoice item classifications and GL account names
almost 5 years ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Ability to color-code Clients and Patients for easier identification

Ability to color code patients and pet owners' accounts for easier identification, notices:pink/blue for patient sexHigh alert clients and patients
about 8 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Appointment Scheduler: Removal of recurring appointment blocks for specified time period

Allow removal of appointment blocks for specified time period, such as only future and not past blocks to retain 'appointment records' when looking at past dates.
over 8 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration