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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 78

Reports: EOD Productivity by Staff Report

User would like Productivity by Staff report to be available under EOD; clinic would like to run every two weeks instead of monthly.
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Include inventory information as part of GL extract

Include inventory information as part of GL extract. Include receipts and order information from vendors.
over 7 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Add Payment type filter to Payment Register reports

Users request a payment type range filter added to payment register reports to simplify break downs of every client that paid with a specific payment type and that payment type only. They do not want other payment types brought into the report and...
over 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports - add A/R report filter to monthly invoices statements

Users need an Accounts receivable filter option available when running the monthly invoices and statements report. This would allow them to: * filter out old inactive clients with balances without having to write them off * include/exclude credit ...
over 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Inventory Reports - add totals across reports for consistency (costs, quantity, taxes, etc.)

Users request for quantity, cost, taxes, shipping totals be included on all Inventory reports where values are available for a consitent reporting expereince and reduce effort to obtain totals.
about 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Allow additional sort/range options for Purchase History Report

Allow sorting of Purchase History Report (by Receipt Date, Item Description, etc.). and allow date range filter by all sort options.
over 7 years ago in Inventory / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Report of sales by Reason for Visit

User request for a report in CS that could show revenue generated per reason for visit. Filters for Reasons, date range and staff to provide common reporting varaibles for data comparisons
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

General Ledger: include subclass level information as part of GL extract

User wants to be able to export subclass information into quickbooks.
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Indicate inactivated clients with an (I) on A/R report

Users request an "I" is added next to inactive clients within the end of month reports> accounts receivable report to better manage report data and receivables
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Report capability to display daily key financial data points/sales individually when report generated for multiple days

Users request a report display capability that would display their financial info/sales for each day of the week/month individually for simpler trending and comparison.
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration