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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Clients and Patients

Showing 58
146 VOTE

Callback reminders: Void saved/completed call backs

Ability to void callback information after it has been saved / completed. Should be similar to voided history for hide/show, include/exclude for reports, with security, capture voiding staff ID and comment for medical record validity.
almost 9 years ago in Clients and Patients 2 Future consideration

Delete Reminders, Callbacks, future appts and reservations when Patient is Marked Deceased

Users request a configurable option to warn/delete reminders, callbacks, future appts and reservations for Patients who are marked "deceased". Currently, user will get a notice, but can click No and retain all reminders. Configuration for types of...
about 9 years ago in Clients and Patients 1 Future consideration

Create user defined phone location list

Users want the ability to create, modify, inactivate/delete phone locations, and configure ability to free type (3rd party apps looking for mobile/cellular #s) and set default type within client defaults
over 4 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Add Additional Vaccine Bookmarks to look at all Vaccines

Users request bookmark information for all vaccines and not just rabies at vaccine tags are often used for all vaccines. Informaion needs to include: * Producer Manufacturer * Drug Name * Vaccine Brand * Lot Number * Drug Expiration Date * Vaccine...
about 9 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Edit or Void Transaction comments

Need the ability to correct Transaction comments or to be able to void them in order to correct spelling mistakes, comments made on the wrong account, etc.
almost 3 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Display and convert weight in both pounds and kilograms

users need patient weights to display in both pounds and kilograms, with weight units clearly indicated. * Both need to display where weight is currently displayed. * Entry of one will calculate the other * option to calculate kg into meters squar...
about 6 years ago in Clients and Patients 1 Future consideration

Patient Appointment/Hospital Status display enhancements

Users need additional appointment status capabailities to better manage their scheduled appointments and to have these and hospital status display accordingly on the following widows:* Schedule for Today window (as an R (RTG), L (late), N (No show...
about 6 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Capture higher resolution patient pictures and directly from image source

ability to import higher resolution images (>2 MB) for patient picture into CS and directly from image source (TWAIN enabled webcam, iphone, tablet)
almost 6 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Void Problem from patient record

Users would like the option to void or hide a Problem from a patient's history. If the problem was accidentally entered under the incorrect patient, or an incorrect problem added to a patient record there is currently not a way to remove it from t...
over 6 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

User configurable time frame for entry into a Vital Signs set

10 day default and message to enter vital signs should be a configuration user can control and onscreen message update accordingly
over 5 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration