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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 14

Generate Reminders Based on Hospital Protocols, Patient Age or Diagnosis

Users would like ability to generate reminders (letter or call) based on hospital protocols, age or diagnosis (e.g. generate reminder for rabies vaccines for all Patients six months of age or older, Senior Health Profile bloodwork on all Patients ...
almost 9 years ago in Reminders 1 Future consideration

Generate same day call back reminders

able to auto generate a same day callback reminder. Currently it does not allow 0 in the number of days field under the item setup. while the Daily Planner lab callback setting does allow for 0 days, the scheduling of callback is still a manual pr...
almost 6 years ago in Reminders 2 Future consideration

Add email functionality to Patient Reminders window

Allow user to email individual clients their patient's reminders from the Patient Reminders window, with email saved to communication log as reminder sent. Currently Users can only print from the window
over 5 years ago in Reminders 0 Future consideration

Reminders - Customize the color scheme and time frame used for reminders

Users request a configuration to customize the reminder color scheme and time frame for current, coming and over due reminders to match to their individual needs. Configured settings would apply for both screen and report displays (ex: check in re...
almost 3 years ago in Practice Settings / Reminders 0 Future consideration

Transfer reminders to new invoice item

Users would like CS to have the ability when inactivating one invoice item and creating a new invoice item that all the reminders associated with the old item would transfer to the new invoice item and update patients with the prior reminder to th...
almost 6 years ago in Reminders 0 Future consideration

Reminders: change Call back note prompt Cancel/Delete functionality

Users request a change in functionality for the prompt for call back note reminder, clicking Cancel should not add call back reminder for the patient being invoiced. Should act as Delete.
over 4 years ago in Reminders 0 Future consideration

generate custom vaccine/rabies certificates from PVL

users request ability to generate and print vaccine, rabies certificates from the PVL that use date given and next due date based on line item date of PVL. Current functionality does not update reminder dates until vaccine items are placed on a sa...
over 2 years ago in Invoicing / PVL / Reminders 0 Future consideration

Create a patient level To Do list

Create a To-Do List for client/patient specific tasks so that they may jot it down and go back later and add it to their account for their online pharmacy etc. Ex: on clipboard, right click > To Do > free type note field. Perhaps populate a ...
over 2 years ago in Clients and Patients / Daily Planner / Patient Clipboard / Reminders 0 Future consideration

Separate client reminder settings for do not send

user request to be able to turn off letter and email reminders separately for a client
over 2 years ago in Clients and Patients / Reminders 0 Future consideration

Reminders - apply the reminder color scheme to the vaccine/reminder document bookmarks

Users request the reminder color scheme for overdue reminders (red) appear as such for reminders imported into a document via vaccine or reminder bookmark.
almost 3 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence / Reminders 0 Future consideration