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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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End of Period

Showing 5

Save EOP reports as .pdf to designated folder

Save EOP reports as .pdf files to designated printer to allow practice to remain paperless. Include an auto name save based on the report name. Currently, have to enter a file name manually for every report printing to a PDF printer.
about 8 years ago in End of Period 0 Future consideration

Statements - Include both statement period and report print date

When (re)printing a client statement from a past period, the date on the statement needs to display both the statement period date and the 'printed on' date.
almost 3 years ago in End of Period / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Unattended EOP: setting for days of week to run

User requests UEOD settings to designate specific days UEOD should run so on days where activity may occur but an EOD is not needed (EX: satellite practice has transactions on Sunday but want them included on Monday's reports instead)
almost 3 years ago in End of Period 0 Future consideration

Allow user to update client account financials during EOP processing

Users request ability to have eop close occur as a background process and allow for client transactions to continue without interuption
over 8 years ago in End of Period 0 Future consideration

Unattended End of Period: Send notification status via email

Option to send email to admins, telling: * Notifications (errors), and/or * Success of unattended EOP
over 7 years ago in End of Period 0 Future consideration