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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Boarding and Grooming

Showing 27

Reports: boarding report enhancements

Users request changes to boarding reports to improve managment of boarding:* View/print out that has an overview of cages used like a bar graph that is seen on the reservation list.* Better report showing daily check ins and reservations by a date...
about 6 years ago in Boarding and Grooming / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Ability to Switch Between Hotel and Daycare Reservation

Ability to code a cage to have both Hotel and Daycare reservation types, and have ability to convert from one to the other without having to recreate the reservation, even if Patient is already checked in. Will simplify cage setup and tracking of ...
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Boarding: Display Patient prompts/alerts at boarding check-in and on check-in report

Display Patient alerts/prompts upon boarding check-in, including a prompt to enter weight as appointment check in window offers
almost 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Ability to Delete / Inactivate Cage

Provide ability to delete (or inactivate) a cage that is no longer being used.
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Boarding: Simplify Check-Ins / Check-Outs when different from reservation dates

Allow for easier check in/out when checking in/out for either daycare or overnight when dates/times are not same as reservation and recalculate fees accordingly
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Boarding - Provide/Prevent Ability to Overlap Reservations

Provide/prevent ability to overlap reservations. Currently, a patient arriving at 2pm cannot be booked for the same cage as a patient who left at 10am.� Allow user to set time at which cage can be rebooked. Allow practice to indicate check-out TIM...
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Boarding tabs on Patient Clipboard - user configured preferences

Users request a way to sort and/or configure the boarding tabs of the Patient Clipboard in order to sort reservations by date by clicking a column header, or option to display current and future reservations only or past reservations for a designa...
over 2 years ago in Boarding and Grooming / Patient Clipboard 0 Future consideration

Add boarders to Whiteboard in check-in window

Users want the ability to check-in boarders through the boarding module and add them to the Whiteboard in the same check-in window, without needing a second check-in from the Clipboard. Includes transferring boarding items to Patient Orders
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Record Create Date for Boarding Reservations

Record/display create date for boarding reservations for both windows and reports
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

transfer boarding items to PVL at time of check in

Users request boarding items transfer to the PVL upon check in vs upon check out to better manage billing and avoid missed charges
over 2 years ago in Boarding and Grooming / Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration