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This is a phenominal feature in our current PIMs, VIA- it's called a 'quick fill' list and it's customizable across all templates or on a template-by template basis. We're transitioning to Cornerstone at my current practice and the loss of this function has been a huge hit to morale for our team. I would love to see something similar integrated to cornerstone; it significantly minimizes the number of templates needed.
This would be a huge benefit. We used DVMax prior to Cornerstone and they had macros. Just type in \ and space and it would pull up a list of macros you can enter. The biggest feature we lost when going to Cornerstone.
Allow easy integration / play friendly with Phrase Express app. That would be amazing.
The AVImark system has it set up in a very similar manner to Cornerstone's departing instructions except you can use them in the medical notes or any correspondence. When creating the custom message you are able to use bookmarks to enter the pet's name and the correct pronounces. If the departing instruction code in AVImark is 4dx then you can either use an F key to pull it up or if you know the code you type the code and then hold the shift button as you tap the space bar and it enters it. (e.g. 4dx + shift + space). This way with 5 key strokes I can have a small paragraph that describes the 4dx test, its importance and the results. The clinic can then have a different code if the test is positive (e.g. 4dxa for 4dx test that is positive for Anaplasma versus 4dxh for a 4dx test that is positive for Heartworm).
I would like to function like AVImark hot key (code + shift + space bar) will enter a pre-written paragraph/sentance. It is smart coded to include the pet's name and get the he/she correct.