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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2022

Report for "suspected incorrect email addresses"

Staff often mistype gmail as gamil, and there are other very common mistypes of popular domains, or someone leaves off the ".com". A report for this would be great, but even better would be an option to confirm that a result on this list is actually correct and remove it from the typos screening. Data validatino upon email address entry would be another possible solution.

Practice Name Dogwood Pet Hospital
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  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2024

    Additional thought - We use allydvm and it gives us a report of all bounced email addresses. It would be great if we could input this list into Cornerstone so that CS would pop up a "Collect/Correct client email" window or something like that when the client checks in. Something so that our client serv folks KNOW that they need to update that particular info.