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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 516

New bookmark for telemedicine report

Users need a bookmark to insert a telemedicine report into a document for better referral case management
over 5 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence 0 Future consideration

Preview / print Want List report from Want List window

Users would like to be have functionality to preview/print the Want List directly from the Want List Window to reduce steps to produce the report.
over 5 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Referral Master reports: include all info from report preview in saved file

Saving the Referral Hospital Master Report or the Referral Doctor Master Report tneeds to include the same information that the preview provides which is what doctors are under which hospital or what hospital each doctor is associated with.
over 5 years ago in Referral Management 0 Future consideration

Display item UOM on item list, invoice, PVL and estimate windows

Users request the display of the unit of measure to display on all item lists as well as appear on PVL, estimates and invoices. There is not enough room in invoice item description to enter all of this information. This will also help with client ...
over 5 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Mass remove not requested images from Image Requests and Results window

Remove not requested images en masse vs individually from the Image Requersts and Results window
over 5 years ago in Imaging 0 Future consideration

Ability to copy a previous order for repeat orders

Users need the ability to copy prior order into a new order to expedite order placement when ordering the same items or in cases when a large order entered under incorrect Vendor and need to re-create the order under correct Vendor with little eff...
over 5 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Whiteboard: Add discharge time to Patient Orders and display on Main view

Users need to enter and display a discharge time as well as the date on the whiteboard
over 5 years ago in Whiteboard 0 Future consideration

Filter staff that appears in Apply Charges to Staff window

Users request ability to filter which staff appears in the 'Apply Charges to Staff' window to reduce mis-entry of percentage for Staff AR changes (when using A/R by provider setting)
almost 6 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Boarding Documents open on screen at check in

Users would like the ability to have the boarding documents popup on the screen when boarding a patient through the boarding icon.
almost 6 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Display the staff position (classification) on the Staff List

Users need to have the staff list to display the staff classification without needing to open the staff profile from Lists > Staff in order to navigate the list more efficiently when staff names and IDs are alike.
almost 6 years ago in User / Staff Settings 0 Future consideration