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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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All enhancement requests

Showing 514

Display client primary phone at top of PVL window

user would like the phone number of the client to appear at the top of the PVL to reduce clicks to access vital client information
over 2 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Display 'credit balance applied' label and amount on printed invoices

the invoice print-outs in Cornerstone should reflect usage of credit on account in the Invoice Balance Due field. In other words, if an account has a credit and an invoice is posted that uses that credit, they want to be able to see that reflected...
over 2 years ago in Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Remove Title Only type documents from template setup

By removing 'Title only' type from the template properties settings, will avoid confusion and overlooked selection since it appears as first drop down choice in template properties after choosing Correspondence. If missed, and trying to open this ...
over 2 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence 0 Future consideration

Allow stock transfer quantities in decimals

When using Find and Transfer Items, would like to grab their total stock, but could only grab the 'whole number' portion.
over 2 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Add 'More Information for' bar to Order List window

When you go to inventory > order list, there is no item info bar or any other way to check item info without opening an order
over 2 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Reports - ability to report on document addendums

request for report to show all addendums made to any medical notes.
over 2 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Add receipt status to Receipt Order report

When printing the Receipt Order report from the Receive Purchase Order window, it is requested to have the receipt status (posted, not posted) clearly indicated on the report
over 2 years ago in Inventory / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Have a 'no discounts' option for invoice items

Users request a setting that will not allow an item to have discounts applied to better preserve their pricing structure and prevent overzealous discounting by their staff.
over 2 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Add date search/filter capability to EOP reports processed period field

When they go into reports > eop > eod/eom/eoy > in the top section where EOP's are listed > they would like a date search filter that they can put in date and take right to this date and highlight the EOP. Especially with EOD's they do...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Client picture to display on clipboard

Would like to have a client picture as there is a patient picture that will display on the Patent Clipboard and can be used to further identify clients
over 2 years ago in Clients and Patients / Patient Clipboard 0 Future consideration