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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 516

Reports: Improve reporting filters

Improve reporting filters by: * Adding date picker on F2 for date ranges * Adding F2 look up for description lists (ex: Reason for visit) * allowing for multiple OR and And statements
about 6 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Inventory - create tracking and reporting method for 'waste' amounts

Users need a way to track and report on waste amounts of drugs (including controlled) in cases were the full drawn/dispensed amount is not administered to patients, and have the patient record also reflect the amount dispensed, given, discarded fo...
over 3 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Prescriptions: restrict access to controlled substance prescriptions

Users need a security setting and check when creating, refilling or reprinting prescription labels for controlled substances to increase tracking of handling within the practice due to increasing regulations on restricting access to controlled sub...
over 3 years ago in Prescriptions 1 Future consideration

Unmerge patients and clients

allow users to undo a patient or client merge in cases where incorrect patients / clients were initially merged.
over 2 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Attach documents to emailed invoice

Email check-out documents with invoice to simplify steps and reduce multiple emails to the client for the one visit
over 6 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Referral -Only include in visit count when patient is checked in

Many requests from referral hospitals : Do not count every invoice as a referral visit. Count invoices only when the patient is checked into the hospital. Picking up a drug refill should not count as a referral visit.
almost 9 years ago in Appointments 0 Future consideration

"No Boarding" warning when cages are blocked or boarding holiday is used as check in or out date

Users would like warning to display earlier in reservation creating workflow when attempting to create reservation when cages are blocked or designated "Boarding Holiday". Currently, user has to complete reservation process and before finding out ...
about 8 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Prescriptions: Drug name font needs to be more prominent on label

change the font or font size to make the name of the drug stand out more obviously on a prescription label.
over 5 years ago in Prescriptions 1 Future consideration

Reports - Modified description on prescription to show on Check in and Patient History reports

When a 'miscellaneous' item is used to create prescription, the modified description should populate on both the Patient Check-in and History reports for accuracy
over 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Configurable default where user can determine 0 QOH to be removed from windows/views

Allow users to set when item QOH reaches 0 to display on vQOH, inventory verification windows
over 5 years ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration