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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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All enhancement requests

Showing 514

Add security for deleting open/pending callback notes

Add security setting to prevent users from deleting callback notes (while still allowing user to create and update).
over 7 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Documents - Set bookmark timing

Users would like option to set when bookmarks populate: upon opening, before finalizing, manual, required, optional to improve filling out documents, and avoid missed information as often happens now with bookmarks only available upon document's i...
almost 9 years ago in Medical Notes / Correspondence 0 Future consideration

Prescriptions - auto remind and refill functionality

Users request a method to auto remind and refill prescriptions to better compete with online pharmacies and retain prescription revenue in clinic.
over 4 years ago in Prescriptions 0 Future consideration

Do Not Base Reservation Made By on Login Information

Do not default reservation "Made By" field to logged in user; leave blank for manual (required) population.
about 9 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

Inventory reports - create a Stock Transfer history report

Users need a report to view stock transfer details in an efficient manner to better visualize activities between their inventory locations. A report in the inventory list as well as a print option from the transfer window itself. Report data shoul...
almost 4 years ago in Inventory / Reporting 1 Future consideration

Reports: Revenue per Client/Visit Report (new report)

Users would like new report which tracks revenue per unique client visit.* On average, clients visit x times per year.* On average, specific client visits x times per year.* On average, VIP clients visit x times per year.* How much does each spend?
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Boarding hours/holiday setup match Scheduler hours/holiday setup (check boxes)

Users would like to have holiday check boxes for boarding and grooming like they have for appointment scheduler. They would also like a check box for Sundays Also have separate hours and holidays for daycare vs overnight reservations
over 6 years ago in Boarding and Grooming 0 Future consideration

NDC/DIN code on RX labels: field label needed to display with #

For states requiring NDC/DIN number on RX labels, there is no description for existing field that is configurable, so the number is not clearly identifield on the label.
over 5 years ago in Prescriptions 0 Future consideration

Set default for "email reminders" option to checked

Allow user to set "email reminders" option to checked by default.
over 7 years ago in Clients and Patients 0 Future consideration

Ability to mark callbacks as "Urgent"

Users need the ability to mark callbacks as "Urgent" so they stand out on the Daily Planner call backs tab in a manner so that the designated staff can find and address them quickly.
over 8 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration