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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Invoice items

Showing 32

Delete / Inactivate Sub-Classes

Users would like ability to delete and/or inactivate sub-classes which are no longer used.
almost 9 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Ability to designate an item as a group-only item

Users would like ability to designate (hide from F2 lookups for charge windows) an invoice item as a group-only item or linked item only, which cannot be chosen individually. This will help reduce invoicing errors and simplify item lists for gener...
over 8 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Add group codes into pick lists

able to add groups into pick lists
over 5 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

NDC / DIN updates: increase field length and track codes per inventory item

some state's Controlled drug export requires NDC, and NDC is manufacturer specific. Possible to have multiple bottles of same drug but different NDCs. Should be treated as lot/exp date for receipt and invoice tracking/reporting . an increase to th...
over 5 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Additional 'fee' field for services

Would like a field to add on an additional fee to a service for IDEXX Ref lab requests. Could also be used to capture biowaste fees on injections and vaccine services where reliance on use of a group code or manual entry of a separate charge.
over 2 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Invoice Item Sales Information report link added to the invoice item information window

Users request a quicker way to access the item Sales information report directly from the item information window so the report set up window is prefilled with the item ID as the range in order for a rapid assessment of item usage.
over 2 years ago in Invoice items / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Associate specific staff with an invoice item classification

User request ability for a specific staff to auto populate on the invoice item depending on what classification that item is in to reduce billing staff errors.
over 8 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Mass inactivate invoice items based on last use date

Have a way to mass inactivate invoice items based on last date of use , action will also remove all links and associations, deselect Maintain QOH
almost 6 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration

Add Item History tab from inventory windows to Item Information window

It would be very helpful if the contents of the Item History tab (under Inventory>View QOH) could be included for each item under Lists>Invoice Item>Info tab. This would enable assessment of an item's activity in the window where item's s...
over 2 years ago in Inventory / Invoice items 1 Future consideration

Pick Lists - option to retain original entry order when creating a Pick List

When I create a Pick List, the Pick List items always rearrange to be alpha sorted by description. I would like a 'retain entry order' option so they stay in the order I have them listed in my pick list invoice item set up window.
over 2 years ago in Invoice items 0 Future consideration