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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Email / Fax

Showing 22

Email: practice default settings for email and fax

Enable practice defaults to allow user to define defaults for:* Email to recipient check box selection(s) (client, rDVM) (invoices, patient history report, medical notes, estimates, correspondence)* Fax cover sheet inclusion * Default email subjec...
about 5 years ago in Email / Fax 1 Future consideration

Email multiple items in a single email

able to email multiple things from Cornerstone in one email. example: written prescription (document) and an estimate, multiple estimates, attach documents to estimates
almost 6 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Communications: Practice to client

Ability to text/email clients directly from CS and these communications (including responses) saved to the client record
almost 6 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Email the Cornerstone provided Rabies Certificate

Users need to have ability to email the default Rabies Certificate to simplify providing extra copies to clients upon request without requiring client to come into the practice and to provide client an electronic version they can use as needed for...
about 9 years ago in Email / Fax 1 Future consideration

Ability to Assign Staff to Callbacks

Ability to automatically assign or mass reassign staff members to callbacks (doctors don't typically perform callbacks, but are associated with callback by default due to invoicing requirements)
about 9 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Email: Ability to manage client email replies to estimates and documents

Users need to manage incoming emails into CS from reply emails on documents (consents) and estimates sent to their clients
almost 6 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Color-code callback reminders

Users request ability to color-code callback reminders to increase visibility and provide visual cue for specific staff and urgency.
almost 8 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Ability to send any CS report via email

From the report preview window, add ability to email report to reduce paper use and effort to send reports to external recipients
almost 6 years ago in Email / Fax 0 Future consideration

Email: email payment receipts to client

Ability Email payment receipt without printing and scanning or using pdf printer
over 6 years ago in Email / Fax / Invoicing / PVL 0 Future consideration

Frequent email address list

Users request a way to create and maintain a frequently used email address list that can be accessed/selected from when emailing within CS. Having the addresses autofill when entering in the window is a related request.
over 2 years ago in Email / Fax 1 Future consideration