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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Daily Planner

Showing 10

Daily Planner: Diagnostic tab updates for lab results

Indicate when a lab result/report has been reviewed by the doctor (example bold vs normal font), and filter option (to view all, read only, unread only) Add time stamp to results so easier to determine newer results +/or color coding Display the t...
over 5 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Daily Planner: ability to finalize multiple selected medical notes at once

We all get situations where we find a number of medical notes that haven't finalized. I would love the option to select multiple med notes on the Daily Planner then finalize those in one step.
over 2 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Print related reports from Daily Planner tabs

Users request ability to quickly access and print related report from applicable Daily Planner tabs, just as the callback report is available from the call backs tab. Patient Visit List By Date report from the Patient Visit List tab Open invoices ...
about 6 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Create a To Do list for non patient hospital tasks

Users would like CS to have a To Do List that they can free type in, with a staff ID assign to option. Display on Whiteboard and / or Daily Planner
almost 6 years ago in Daily Planner / Whiteboard 0 Future consideration

Daily Planner: Practice selection on tabs for MLSD

Users that are configured for MLSD want to have ability to view all Daily Planner tabs as seen on the Diagnostics tab for both specific practice and all practices to improve Daily Planner use
almost 5 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Toggle on the Daily Planner Diagnostics tab to select which lab(s) to display

I would like to have a checkbox on the diagnostics tab of the daily planner to toggle the display of Reference Lab and Inclinic (so I can just look at one or the other if I want)
almost 3 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Daily Planner - add new callbacks from Call Backs tab

Users request ability to add new callback reminders directly to the Call Backs tab of the Daily Planner to simplify steps when working with callbacks.
about 6 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration

Create a patient level To Do list

Create a To-Do List for client/patient specific tasks so that they may jot it down and go back later and add it to their account for their online pharmacy etc. Ex: on clipboard, right click > To Do > free type note field. Perhaps populate a ...
over 2 years ago in Clients and Patients / Daily Planner / Patient Clipboard / Reminders 0 Future consideration

Display test type as part of the result report name on Daily Planner (diagnostics tab)

No description provided
almost 3 years ago in Daily Planner / Laboratory 0 Future consideration

Daily Planner - ability to set which tabs are available by staff ID

Allow the Daily Planner tabs to be set per staff. Currently all tabs are always visible. Currently, Patient Clipboard tabs can be set per staff.
over 8 years ago in Daily Planner 0 Future consideration