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IDEXX Cornerstone Enhancement Requests
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Showing 86

Include linked items on Cost of Goods Sold report

Practice managers and owners need to have an accurate portrayal of their Cost of Goods Sold report to effectively manage their business. The report must also include the associated linked items for service/inventory items that are invoiced as thes...
over 7 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: add ranges by client class/ID to Treatment report and add to Patient Reports

The Treatment Report currently exists under the Equine Reports section. Add this same report to also appear under the Patient Reports section in the Report Search window, call it Treatment Report.
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Planned

Reports: All patients by lab assay result value (new report)

Ability to create or pull up a report that will list all the patients that had a test from all labs with a certain result. Ex: all HW positives, all fecals with hookworms or giardia, all SDMA results, etc.
over 7 years ago in Laboratory / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: Dispensing Fee Revenue Report (new report)

Users would like a report to display how much revenue a dispensing item/fee has generated over a certain time period, filtered by staff, dispensing item.
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: New Customer Repeat Visit / Client retention Report (New report)

Users need a report to display new Clients who visit only once versus new Clients who visit more than once. Practices would like to know if promotions are bringing in repeat customers, quantify client retention more easily. Ex: Clients who returne...
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Staff commission reports based on productivity

Users need better reporting options to pay staff and review historical reports easier based on productivity and commission. Currently collected amount reports do not provide enough details (class, item level) or not historical or by customizeable ...
over 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: Unused Invoice Item Report (new report)

users need a report showing unused / un-invoiced items to better determine items to be inactivated. Sales, linked items, reminders, inventory transactions should be included. Sort, range by class, date last used/sold.
almost 9 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

New report: Sales tax detail report

Users request a detailed sales tax report that will show by item and class level sales tax charged and collected by a specified date range. Current reports do not offer enough details when business is audited.
almost 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Reports: add additional data to Reminder reports and save to file

Users want additional information to display on the Patient Reminder reports: * client email address, * phone numbers * home practice * next appointment date Prod note: home practice is on Reminder Letter report by saved file
almost 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Planned

Reports: Microchip ID reporting enhancements

Users request improvements to microchip reporting so that critical and required information is readily available and retrievable: * Add the date of chip implantation (or manually added chip ID date) to the Microchip ID report in preview/print/save...
almost 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration